Thoughts on the importance of natural toys for creative play

Woolies on Etsy says:
Children's imaginations are incredible things. I love to see a child come alive, with a natural toy in their hands. I think a big set of natural blocks is one of the greatest toys a child can have - let them imagine a city or a fort or a tunnel. One day I'll write a book - Plastic is the death of the human race. (lol).


woolies said...

What year did The Graduate come out? There was a famous oft-repeated line from that movie "Plastics. Our future is plastics".
Says a lot.
Thanks for featuring my words on your blog!!

germandolls said...

Can't agree more...Fits right in with my blogpost from today:
Great minds think alike!

FairiesNest said...

Absolutely True!!

* said...

those dolls are adorable.

Kim van Waardenburg said...

I totally agree!!

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